Wholesale accounts will only be approved for retailers who plan on selling our products to their customers.
Once approved, orders may be placed through this website any time.
Minimum Orders:
Five pantographs - May be 5 different pantograph designs.
Three patterns - Minimum of 3 per each pattern ordered.
1. Click here to submit your application.
2. Please email a copy of your Tax ID Certificate to: dawna@dawnasdesignthreads.com
You should expect a response to your request within 24 - 48 hours.
We look forward to doing business with you!
We are excited to offer online stores the option to carry our designs without taking up space on your shelves! No need to carry the inventory or worry about purchasing designs or patterns that don't sell, and still get the lowest wholesale price.
Here's how it works:
- Simply place a picture of our product (pantographs or quilt patterns) on your website store front.
- When a customer purchases one of our designs, you collect the money and the shipping. Email us a copy of the order & customer shipping info then we will ship it out!
- We will keep track of your orders + shipping for the month and send you an invoice at the end of the month, charging you wholesale for the items your customer paid retail for.
Because of the nature of the products we will not offer refunds.